Tania Luna Audio Books

Tania Luna leads the culture department at LifeLabs New York, a company that helps people, teams, and organizations master life’s most useful skills (from how to ask better questions to how to think more strategically). She is also the cofounder of Surprise Industries, the world’s only company specializing in surprise. Tania writes for Psychology Today and conducts research on surprise.

LeeAnn Renninger, PhD, is the CEO and founder of LifeLabs New York. She received her PhD in social psychology from the University of Vienna, where she studied the differences between good and great communicators. At LifeLabs New York she helps managers around the globe catalyze better (and more surprising) thinking in themselves and others.

Tania and LeeAnn have spoken at a wide range of corporate events and to TED, TEDx, Yahoo Ignite, and YPO audiences. The authors provide training, organizational consulting, and team building for some of the world’s most inspiring organizations, including Etsy, Whole Foods Market, Google, National Geographic, LinkedIn, Victoria’s Secret, Warby Parker, Squarespace, Columbia University, and Yale University. Both authors live, work, and play in New York.

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